Monday, March 31, 2014

Wardrobe Malfunction...

Kid has some serious wardrobe issues.  She has on these awful USC pieces.  Bless her heart.  Papa picked those out and she doesn't mind the gamecocks.  And then she strips down to half of her outfit once she arrives home?  Papa has learned though...  He now understands that IF he sends her home in those colors they may not ever be seen again.  So, he keeps those colors at HIS house now.

Smart man.
Toddler tushy is so cute.  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Baby

Last week this girl had a birthday.  She's 7 years younger than me and was my first baby.  I remember changing her diapers.  I remember using cloth diapers, with actual diaper pins, and rubber pants and changing her diapers.  People think I'm crazy when I say that, but I remember it like it was yesterday.  I remember when we found out she was born and we jumped up and down on Aunt Patsy and Uncle Malcolm's bed at that big white house with a pool.  I remember when she came home and how tiny she was.  I remember how she loved to be around momma and how she would spend hours nestled close to her in that blue velour robe before school and in the van while it warmed up.  I remember Leigh Anne reaching her chubby hands atop the table to grab mom's coffee cup so she could steal a sip of the leftover cold coffee.  I remember her yelling from the bathroom as she was potty training and needed help... (sorry sissy)... 

Mostly I remember thinking that she was mine.  She was someone I got to help with and take care of.  She didn't like to brush her hair or wear socks with a seam across the toe.  It was her job to smell the piles of clothes in our room, all 3 of us shared, and decide clean or dirty.  She had the most beautiful curly hair and momma made her cut it because she refused to brush it.  She was, and still is, the tallest one of us.  She still has that gorgeous curly hair.  She has the best skin and longest legs.  She loves to sing and always has.  She spent a lot of her childhood chasing us around ballfields and softball tournaments.  She quit gymnastics because it smelled like feet.  She has always been a pain... continues to be one.

But I love her.  With my whole heart.  She is my favorite baby sister and I cannot wait for her wedding.  

Happy Birthday Leigh Anne Palmer.  
You only have a few weeks left for me to call you LAP.

Monday, March 24, 2014


There is nothing like a Saturday stroll with these two kiddos and their shades.  Stolen shades, of course...
My sisters were so kind as to take them out for a walk twice last weekend.  We had major work to do at my house to get ready for the bridal shower and bachelorette party.  (by the way... bachelorette is not a real word that spell check recognizes.... so we should use something else?)  My kids enjoyed a walk twice in one weekend, even if they did complain and ask to go home a million times... and I certainly enjoyed the quiet moments at home.  Friday night they rode along with their own glasses and Saturday morning they forgot their glasses.  Apparently they conned their aunts into giving up their glasses for the remainder of the ride.  


Thursday, March 20, 2014

6 hours with Libby

This is all in a day's wardrobe for Libby James.  
She came home from school and took her shirt off.
20 minutes later, in process of getting ready for naptime, she shed the pants too.
Post nap it was a le-to-tard for her singing performances for the evening.  
Most of the time I can barely keep up with this kid.  
She is so much fun, but she wears me out!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Dining al fresco

Y'all remember last week when it was sunny and warm?  
And today we had to light the fire and it was St. Pat's Day....
Dear Georgia Weather,  please get it together and get warm.  Also, I'd like an actual spring season... 
Plus, I'd like to dine outside again with my little people.
Thanks, Carrie

Monday, March 17, 2014


So... this is Buddy and he is our favorite Marine.
His birthday was Saturday and he was in Arizona, so we didn't get to sing to him.
But I did review all of our favorite photos... for your viewing pleasure...
Hotdog Buddy

Buddy the Banana

And Buddy with the awkward 'stache...

We love you and miss you lots!
Cannot wait to see you soon!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

JAdore Influenster Box

Ok.  First of all, if you aren't an Influenster, you need to get on that... like now.  Second of all, I love getting all these goodies for FREE and being able to try new things.  This box was one that I knew my entire family would LOVE and be able to use.  I got a bottle of spray Vaseline lotion for Daryk to use.  Though I must confess, I've used it a lot here lately.  It is increasingly difficult to lotion the legs with this growing belly.  I'm glad to have that spray feature.  The John Freida Frizz Ease has been a lifesaver here in humid Georgia weather.  If you live around here, you know.  And if you don't know, be thankful.  I'm not a huge fan of the hot tea because I'm limited to what I can drink these days since I'm pregnant.  I did have a little cup today since it was rainy and chilly outside.  Warmed me right up!

I've added the KISS lashes to my ever growing collection and I'll be using those at prom this year or for Leigh's wedding in May.  Along with that, I've had to put a hold on any other facemasks until I deliver Spencer.  Your skin gets extra sensitive during pregnancy, and mine has been very touchy lately.  I skipped the mask and will try it when I'm home on maternity leave in April!  

And well... the Hershey Kisses... do I even need to explain?  I share those with my little ones as a 'treat' after dinner or lunch.  They love them and the portions are perfect.  I keep them on the kitchen counter for EASY access when I need a chocolate fix.  

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The bag of bricks... that finally hit me.

Forgive the rambles.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant today.  TODAY marks the 35th week I've been pregnant with this little creature called Spencer Brynne Cochran.  Just for the record, we are going to call her Spencer.  If you ask Elizabeth she says 'Benser', but that's another story.  Oh!  And as we were discussing Spencer today, Hayes asked if she was 'out yet'.  No bud, you'll know when she's out.  Trust me.  Yesterday marked the '5 weeks until she's evicted via c section if she doesn't come earlier' date.  And she could come earlier.  She could stay in there until the bitter end.  She is coming eventually.  She will come when she's done baking and God says its time.  Thankfully medicine allows me to HAVE a baby, otherwise I would have died in childbirth with #1.  Praise God for modern medicine and amazing doctors, nurses, midwives, and hospital staff.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and the ton of bricks that fell in my lap Sunday at church was this, I'm terrified.

There.  I said it.

I'm terrified of having another little person.  What on EARTH was I thinking?  How do I know if I'm ready?  Will I ever be ready?  Is that possible?  Do I deserve this?  I can't give it back now.  I'm thinking of all the negative things, which is so unlike me as I'm usually the most annoying positive person.... but I'm terrified.  How will I get anything done?  Can we afford this?  Should I really have done this?  How will I get laundry done?  How will dinner get cooked?  My house will never be clean, ever.  I'll never ever be able to have alone time again.  Ever.  Again, remind me... WHAT WAS I THINKING?!

And then a wave of calm washed over me as the band continued to play...
I got this Carrie.  You don't have to worry.  I wouldn't have given you this child, or any of those children if I didn't think you were capable.  And you are more than capable.  As a matter of fact, I'm proud of you.  I will take care of this if you will just let me.  

I'm sorry, God.  Do you want me to stop worrying?  Do I even know how to do that?  Is that possible?  How do I even start?  I worry about everything.  Food, paying for childcare, money, clothing, laundry, how my body looks and feels, whether or not my kids are getting appropriate nutrition... you get it God?  I don't know how to not worry.

The song continues and I think backwards to my week and the email I shared with someone about being a mom.  I told her that she was doing a good job and I told her not to let Satan steal her joy.  Vomit.  Did I really share that with her less than 24 hours ago?  I did, indeed.  And here I am... letting Satan steal my joy.  It is my joy.

It is my joy to be pregnant and to be able to have another baby... when there are so many women who desperately want to be a mother.  They want to carry a baby, or two and be miserable.

It is my joy to be overwhelmed at the task of being a mom and the caretaker in my home... there are women who are missing their children because they are all grown up now.

It is my joy to remove stains from clothing, and sort loads of laundry, and fold the tiniest of underwear.... because some people don't have those things.

It is my joy to help to raise these little people and teach them about God and all His wonders.  Good or bad, his wonders are new each day.... and I get to share that through the eyes of my children.  His children.

Shame on me for letting Satan steal my joy.  I won't let him do that again.  I won't allow tears to fall unless I'm happy.  I won't allow myself to feel regret for this family I have.  I will not be afraid of the tasks that God has given me in this life.

I will be joyful in all circumstances, even if I am terrified.  I am a child of a God who's got this.  My worries aren't even worth a thought because of His promises and the joy He provides to me.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Little Moments

One of my most favorite students made Elizabeth her own 'garf' for wear.  I was thankful because it meant I didn't have to share with her anymore.  It also happens to be her FAVORITE color and she's in love with it.  She's only worn it once in public, but she wears it around the house all the time!  I think it was a hit?  Yeah?
Typically, Elizabeth is my sleeper.  She sleeps later in the mornings and later after her nap.  Occasionally I get some time with just Hayes.  While he wasn't a super cuddly infant, he is a very cuddly preschooler.  He climbs up very close and wants to sit in your lap.  He likes to hug and give kisses too.  It is a huge change from his infant behaviors of 'get away from me and don't touch me'... and I love it, chocolate smudge and all.

Friday, March 7, 2014

I do it by myself!

Uncle Jeff made this gorgeous stained glass decor for us for Christmas.  It has been living in our kitchen since then.  We couldn't decide/agree on where it should have a permanent home.  We debated on our bathroom, the kitchen, the dining room, etc.  All of these rooms are on the backside of our home and see the best sunshine of the day, so they were all a no brainer for that reason.  However, most of them are not rooms that people visit often and we wanted to show it off!  So, the kitchen won.  

After some cabinet climbing (with my giant belly) and some adjusting, I finally got it where I wanted it!  I was so thrilled with how it looks.  I keep telling Jeff I need another one for my other window.  And we also have this GIANT window at the front of the house he needs to help me decorate.  Yes?  

Thursday, March 6, 2014

I bought a minivan.

I don't know when my mind was changed, but at some point along in this parenting journey I changed my mind and decided to dive headfirst into the world of the minivan.  I had zero desire to do this until I experienced loading two small people into my small SUV and wrestling them into their car seats while freezing or getting rained on or sweating.  I made up my mind to start shopping for a new mode of transport once I realized that wrestling 3 of them wasn't going to get easier AND the car seats wouldn't fit in my Escape.  I loved my little road turtle and I was sad to see her go, but she will get to live a fun life with a college kid from here on out.  

I bought this beauty and I'm in love.
She has more gadgets than a spaceship.  The doors open at the push of a button.  Several buttons actually.  I don't have to wrestle them into their seats or the car anymore.  I'm thrilled that they can also climb into the car by themselves.  No more wrestling for me... for now.  She has a DVD player (praise God) and leather seats.  The bonus was a sunroof and a heat/ac control board that I'm still trying to learn how to use...

Ignore my extremely tidy garage shot...

The weekend we were car shopping happened to be right after the second nasty snow/ice storm and my parents were kind enough to take the kids!  We had already planned for them to go to the lake for that weekend.  Instead of watching a state wrestling tournament I managed to buy a minivan and get a stomach virus all in one day!  Pretty sure my children had a much more enjoyable Saturday than I did!

They got ice cream and played on a playground!

Leave me some love.
I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Goals 2014: March Update

My 2014 To Do List

  1. I am going to grow plants this summer.  I'd like to grow a lot, but I'll settle for a few.  Tomatoes, beets, cucumbers, carrots, squash, and zucchini, to start with.  I'm researching methods via Pinterest right now and will start seedlings as directed once the time is right.  I suppose I'll need to do this on the back porch or in the garage for the meantime.  I plan to use the small area by the garage to grow my veggies in large planters or raised beds.  Who wants to build me those?

    Bought some seeds.  Starting seedlings in a few weeks!
  2. Run races.  As in, plural.  I have run my pregnancy races and I have one more to go.  I'd really like to be able to run a few more races after the baby comes.  I know I'll need time to heal since I will be having a child via surgery in April... I'm hoping I can schedule some races in June/July.

    I'm just not sure I might get to an organized race before baby gets here.  I'll let you know.
  3. Buy the dang minivan.  This is a lingering 2013 goal... I wonder if I knew that my husband was going to let me have another baby AND we were going to and that's why I made that goal in 2013?  Either way, I cannot wait to be the proud owner of a minivan.  I see this happening in March.

    DONE AND DONE!  I will post about that adventure this week!
  4. Build my business.  I suppose this means I need to work on the business.  I have several of them I could work on, but none that I really focus on.  I love Advocare products.  I use them regularly.  I also love Mary Kay products, they are lovely.  I have a great love for my sewing machine and should use it more often.  I would like to be able to grow one or all of those into something successful that generates income so that I could stay home with my babies one day. Yep, another goal for another year, but I'll work on it in 2014.

    Started working more often with Mary Kay and I'm planning to attend a career conference with them end of March!  I cannot WAIT!
  5. Paint and decorate the kid's rooms.  We have to move Libby to the bigger room and put Hayes in the smaller room since we will be housing two girls.  This project was on my agenda for Christmas break, but it is not likely to happen this week.  I have to buy Libby bunk beds and then we can make the move.  Hoping for February?

    Bunk beds for Libby have been purchased.  The prep for moving and changing rooms has been a popular conversation as well.  Hayes has informed me that he wishes to sleep in the bunk beds with Libby and Spencer.
  6. Plant flowers in the yard this spring and summer.  I love seeing my neighbors lovely yards and I'd like to have my own this year.

    Flowers will come soon.  I keep thinking I'll wait until mid March in hopes to avoid any more freezing weather...
  7. Develop a budget/plan to save for future Disney trips and eventually yearly passes.  I love going to see The Mouse.  I love that my kids want to go there often as well.  I want nothing more than to take them there all the time.  As a matter of fact, we could just move there and I'd be thrilled.  I'm working on this part.

    Made 2 payments for Disney this year.  We will go in September and I am pumped.  Created a savings plan for 2015.  I want to take Daryk to Star Wars weekends!
  8. I would love to be able to use my blog as a venue to make some extra income for my family as well.  I am going to investigate that and look for income via my blog while on maternity leave.

    I haven't looked into this, but I have been diligently increasing my traffic to the blog and plan to continue that through Facebook and Pinterest.  Hopefully I can be blog famous one day (or at least make mom-ney, so I can stay home)...
  9. Purge.  Clean out the closets, rooms, drawers, cabinets, and garage and rid this house of unnecessary objects, clutter, junk, and excess.  We need to learn to live with less and be happy with that.

    Cleaning out all areas of the house as part of my random 'nesting' occurs.  So far I've found a ton of things to donate and decorate with.
  10.  Wake up earlier during the week and make time for myself.  Enjoy coffee, or a book, or the quiet.  I could make breakfast for myself or the littles, or just put on my makeup like a normal person.

    Yeah, just no.  Just not happening.  I think I might be a failure at this goal.  Oops.
    Echoes of last month... I just can't make this happen.  I might attempt to work on this one later in the year, but I might just be crazy.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

New hair

It is a Christmas miracle, that happened in February, and she let us fix her hair.  Well, us is really Leigh Anne...  Granted you have to bribe her to sit still long enough to make it happen, but she let us do it!  Yay!

Oh, and she loved it!  She asks for the frack braid at least twice a week these days.  BeBe would be so proud that Leigh Anne managed to get the hair done and that Libby sat still enough to make it happen.  :) 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day

The second time in 2014 we got the warning for this kind of weather...

I was thankful I made the trip to the grocery store 2 days earlier.  I was glad we didn't have to worry about food or heat or entertainment.  I was a little bit concerned that we might lose power.  There was so much ice that trees and limbs came down all over the place.  We were snowed/iced in for about 3 days.  Leigh Anne came to stay with us, bless her.  She was beyond ready for the stuff to melt...

Our board of ed cancelled school a little bit early, as in a whole day.  Tuesday's forecast kept saying bad weather, but it didn't really show up until late Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.  However, after the last fiasco, I don't blame them!  Nobody wanted a repeat of being trapped at school until late at night OR stuck at school overnight.  We missed school Wednesday as well.  Our system was already scheduled to be off Thursday and Friday, so we didn't have anything to worry about.  By Friday afternoon we had clear skies, melting ice and snow, and we had run out of donuts.  The Tastykake donuts are MUCH better than the Hostess.  Just in case y'all wanted to know...

After 3 days of togetherness we headed out to Burger King and took a deep breath of fresh air and hamburgers.  It was glorious.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Kitty in the middle

Yes, that is a picture of a picture.  
Judge me.
I'm ok with that.

I'm a little behind in wishing Kitty a happy birthday on the blog.  She's the first sister I was blessed with and I could not be more proud of all the wonderful things she has done with her life thus far.  She's a precious human being that God blessed with so many talents.  She is determined and has a serious goal setting mentality.  She has the ability to achieve so much more than I ever imagined to, simply because she never gives up.  She loves my children with a fierce love and shows them all sorts of attention when she can.  They love to talk with her and Daniel and especially Eleanor.  My little people love for her to come visit because she always brings treats to share.  She is my favorite middle sister and one of the best friends I've ever had.  Love you Kathryn!