Thursday, August 14, 2014

my best friends

Every now and then you find a friendship that lasts a lifetime.

These girls are some of my favorite people ever.  We have been friends as long as I can remember being a friend to a human being.  They are both younger than me and their parents are dear friends of my parents.  I'm sure that's how we became friends... by default because of our parents, but we are friends now by choice.  We are all grown up and living life together as parents of our own children.  Christy on the left, is a member of the Air Force and is currently living waaaaaaaaay far away from us!  Melissa on the right lives about 15 miles from us, but we don't see her terribly often either.  We are always busy!  Thankfully Christy and her crew came to visit this summer and I was able to squeeze in a swimming date while they were here.  I was so thankful to spend a day with these ladies, their children, and their husbands.  It is astounding how similar we are to our own parents and how much we are able to love each other's children.  Spending time with these women makes me feel a lot more normal about my own parenting experience and parenting skills.  I love having them around.  They were a fun crew in my childhood as well.  We spent many days playing in creeks, deer camps, campers, and peanut fields.  There are embarrassing pictures of us in swimming pools with bad haircuts and awful swim suits.  We survived childhood, middle school, graduation, babies, marriages, a divorce or two, and ultimately large families.  

These two are top tier friends y'all.  Top tier.  

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet picture and what a precious friendship.
